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A Trapped Bird

A Trapped Bird

The other day I had a situation where a bird ended up in The Chapel.  We had left the door open for an extended period of time and it seized the opportunity to just waltz right in.  

Now, I’m not sure if you’ve ever tried to catch a bird in a 4 story open air chapel…but it is nearly impossible.  I am sure we could have hired a professional bird catcher…but I am not one to quit easily.

Unfortunately, the bird kept flying towards light.  So he kept trying to escape through the vast amount of windows.  I was starting to wonder if this place was actually designed to keep birds trapped in.

I tried for awhile, then gave up and went back to work.

Next thing I knew, the bird walked into my office.  Like, I was on a zoom call and he just came walking right in. I had an in-person meeting right after my call, so I had limited time to catch this bird.  

I very casually got up, closed the door and trapped the bird in my small office.

A Quick Heads Up

A Quick Heads Up

There are lots of things in life I don’t love doing.  

I don’t love when I have to deal with car problems.

I don’t love when I have to pick up our dog’s “gifts” she leaves us in the backyard.

I don’t love when I have to share difficult words with people.

I don’t love when I have to organize paperwork.

Unfortunately, part of life is sometimes doing things we don’t love because they are necessary.  

We cannot escape all the obstacles of life, all the challenging things, all the difficult or annoying responsibilities.  

Sometimes you just have to do them.

Alcatraz and Sidewalk Chalk

Alcatraz and Sidewalk Chalk

The other day my son Keating came home from school and asked,

“Dad, who is your favorite prisoner held at Alcatraz?”

You know…I don’t know.  I have not once in my life given any meaningful thought about the prisoners once held there, let alone which one is my favorite.  I know vaguely that a few escaped and may have drowned…maybe…or may have lived the rest of their lives in secrecy and hiding…but I couldn’t tell you their names.

I knew that likely some infamous people in history ended up serving time there…but who they are, and who my favorite is out of all of them?  Zero idea.