Join us Sundays at 10:00 am / 582 Forest St, Seaside FL. 32459 / Map / 850.633.3392

Talking With

Talking With

There is a sushi restaurant I really like that was recommended by a friend of mine.  When we went my friend started ordering things that weren’t on the menu and asking about other things that weren’t listed.  Now, I am super outgoing and can make conversation with a chair, but I also hate to inconvenience someone by asking unnecessary things.  I never want to be…”that guy”…I just let him ask all the questions and sat back.

When the rolls he ordered showed up, the food my friend ordered was unbelievable.  

A Conversation Followup

A Conversation Followup

In our family, we are a bunch of outgoing gregarious extroverts.  We will talk to just about anyone anywhere.  Recently we were in Washington, D.C. waiting to go on a tour of The White House and my son, Foster, noticing the very serious Secret Service member who was built like an Irish Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and looked about as warm and cuddly as a an avalanche, was struggling with the identification scanner and corresponding computer.  Foster noticed that this guy who was built and outfitted for the field and yet here he was hunched over a tablet corralling lines of people and trying to get them checked in for their tour.  

He was not loving it.

With this security guard deep in IT frustration, Foster says, “excuse me Mr. Secret Service, sir.”

In which Sarah and I immediately tapped the brakes and told Foster to wait…“Mr. Secret Service is very busy”…and I didn’t want to lose my place in line…

A Bernedoodle and Spring Break

A Bernedoodle and Spring Break

Many of you know we got a puppy a little over a year ago.  

Many of you also had to suffer through my complaining about us trying to raise this puppy.  

Many of you were likely taking bets about how long we would have Brittany the bernedoodle before we got rid of her.  

Many of you have also noticed I haven’t talked about her, I haven’t used her in sermon illustrations, and likely you assumed we got rid of her.  

So to clear the air, Brittany is still a member of the Beard family.

Unintentionally Living a Life of Crime

Unintentionally Living a Life of Crime

I want to talk about a few things.  Valentine’s Day, Ash Wednesday, Lent, and parking this Sunday for worship.  But before we get there…

I don’t usually try to commit crimes or do illegal things…but sometimes it happens.

The other day I was waiting at a stoplight behind another large car trying to turn out on 98.  I couldn’t actually see the light around this massive vehicle, but my car has one of those fancy sensors that tells you when the car in front of you drives off.  I think it’s to help you when you are not paying attention and missing a green light because you were distracted by your phone, your kids, or daydreaming.  So instead of the person behind you honking since you aren’t paying attention, your car beeps at you since you aren’t paying attention.