Join us Sundays at 10:00 am / 582 Forest St, Seaside FL. 32459 / Map / 850.633.3392


We are so grateful for the work of Practicing the Way for developing material to help us grow in our discipleship to Jesus and also to make it accessible to us for free. They have developed an awesome 4 week curriculum on Fasting, which we will be following for the month of Feb 2025.

Here is our plan:

Andrew will be preaching a series on Fasting and we would love to invite you to train in and experiment in developing a personal fasting rhythm with us. We believe that when you are intentional about your relationship with Jesus, He will show up in very beautiful and unexpected ways.

We are asking you to join with your Chapel Community, a community you choose if you are out of town, a group of friends, or by yourself and watch the weekly videos from Practicing the Way. (You can watch them before you meet or during, but we have found it most effective to watch together.) Then you discuss the material and engage in a fasting practice…then get together the next week to see how it went. This will be a simple 4 week commitment.

To be ready and jump all the way in, consider purchasing or downloading the Fasting Companion Guide book. You may also want to go ahead and order the book God’s Chosen Fast by Arthur Wallis.

If you are planning to walk through these four weeks with a group in your town, alone, or with a community group, you will want to login to Practicing the Way here and create a group to get access to all the videos and additional content.
To create a group, follow this link to watch a short tutorial how…or go to Practicing the Way to begin.


Week 1: Fasting. The First Fast

This week’s message by Andrew Beard titled, ‘Fasting. The First Fast’ references Exodus 34.

Listen to the Sermon on Apple podcast here!
Listen to the Sermon on Spotify here!

Week 2: Fasting. Highs and Lows

This week’s message by Rev. Andrew Beard is titled, ‘Fasting. Highs and Lows’ referencing 1 Kings 19.

Listen to the Sermon on Apple podcast here!
Listen to the Sermon on Spotify here!

Week 3: Fasting. Testing and Strength.

This week’s message by Pastor Andrew Beard is titled, ‘Fasting. Testing and Strength.’ referencing Matthew 4:1-11.

Listen to the Sermon on Apple podcast here!
Listen to the Sermon on Spotify here!

Week 4: Fasting. To See and to Stand.

This week’s message by Pastor Andrew Beard is titled, ‘Fasting. To See and To Stand.’ referencing Acts 9.

Listen to the Sermon on Apple podcast here!
Listen to the Sermon on Spotify here!


Guide Books

Fasting: Practice Guide

Free download from Practicing the Way site here.

Fasting: Practice Guide

Purchase from Amazon here.

Reading Recommendations

The Sabbath - Book Recommendation

God's Chosen Fast by Arthur Wallis

Sometimes doubt, fear, and disappointment cause us to lose confidence in God. In this book, Dwayne E. Mercer helps readers see past disappointments through God’s eyes and gain courage from biblical examples of faith. He provides tools for us to take faith-risks for God again, stepping out in courageous faith.

Buy the paperback book here!


Fasting Week 1: To Offer Ourselves to God

Fasting is arguably one of the most neglected spiritual practices in the Western world. Disciples of Jesus and non-Christians alike have so many questions: What is fasting? How can I practice in a healthy way? What about body shame and eating disorders? Is it mandated in the Scriptures? Where do I start?

Join us for episode 1 of the Fasting series, where we hear a roundtable discussion with John Mark Comer, Yinka Dawson, and Jarin Oda all about the practice of fasting, from its historical roots to its transforming power and even its practicalities.

Listen to the episode on Spotify here!

Fasting Week 2: To Grow in Holiness

Do you have a theology of the body? Many of us Western followers of Jesus have been formed to separate our bodies from our spirituality. But fasting might be the discipline we’ve been missing — a way to integrate our faith and our bodies and bring our whole self before God. To sanctify our souls as we fight sin in the flesh.

In episode 2, John Mark Comer, Yinka Dawson, and Jarin Oda are joined by a special guest, T Comer, who shares her story of miraculous healing from chronic illness and a generational curse. Through fasting, intercession, and a call to holiness, the Spirit freed her body from fifteen years of serious sickness.

Listen to the episode on Spotify here!

Fasting Week 3: To Amplify our Prayers

Last week, we heard a story of miraculous, physical healing through prayer and fasting. But how does fasting heal communities? Generations? Systems? What is the effect of fasting outside of individuals?

In this episode, our roundtable is joined by South African church planter Chris Wienand. Chris shares his experience in fasting and praying during Apartheid rule in South Africa, the opportunity for miracles through communities who fast, and the generational responsibilities belonging to followers of Jesus.

Listen to the episode on Spotify here!

Fasting Week 4: to Stand with the Poor

Does a practice like fasting matter in the face of injustice and evil in the world? Can fasting really change any of it? If so, how?

For the fourth week of our Fasting series, pastor and writer, Tyler Staton joins John Mark Comer, Yinka Dawson, and Jarin Oda to talk about three key characteristics of biblical justice, the differences between standing for and with the poor, and how fasting is a powerful way to empathize with and intercede for our neighbors in need.

Listen to the episode on Spotify here!

Luminary Interview: podcast with Dr. Alison Cook

After discussing the ancient practice of fasting — its origins, practicalities, and benefits — the questions still remain: What about those of us with a history of disordered eating? Or a medical condition that prevents us from fasting? How do I know if it is healthy for me to fast? Am I missing out if I struggle in this way?

This final episode of the Fasting series dives into these questions alongside Dr. Alison Cook, a licensed therapist, author, and podcast host. Originally from Wyoming, Alison studied at Dartmouth College (B.A.), Denver Seminary (M.A.), and the University of Denver (Ph.D.), where she specialized in integrating psychology and theology. Alison’s doctoral dissertation centered on the relationship between religion and prejudice. She is certified in Internal Family Systems Therapy and spent many years practicing in a clinic that served individuals with eating disorders and body dysmorphia. Alison has written two books: Boundaries for Your Soul and The Best of You. Find out more at

Listen to the episode on Spotify here!