Lent & Easter
A journey from darkness to light.
We are beginning a journey. From Ash Wednesday, March 5th to Easter Sunday, April 20th we are in a season of reflection, refinement, and restoration. This season is called the season of Lent. For more than 1500 years followers of Jesus have spent time fasting leading up to Easter morning. The word lent is rooted in several languages and is connected to the number 40 (the amount of days not including Sundays from Ash Wednesday to Easter). As well, the word lent is connected to the word meaning lengthening. The days are being lengthened and stretched, because spring is coming. As we spend the next 40 days, the days will become longer and if we allow it, we will be stretched as we prepare to celebrate Jesus defeating sin and death. I hope you will join us on this journey. Read below to see all of the options and resources for Lent and Easter.
Lenten Guide – Over the course of Lent it is helpful to have regular readings or reflections. Click here to access our Digital Lenten Guide or pick one up at The Chapel while supplies last.
Lenten Playlist – We’ve created a spotify playlist that has songs to turn our hearts and minds towards reflection during this season. Find the playlist here.
Ash Wednesday Service – Wednesday, March 5th at 6pm at The Chapel. This is a service that prepares our hearts and minds for the journey we are beginning. It will an hour and will conclude with congregants receiving ashes on their forehead or hand if they choose.
Palm Sunday – Sunday, April 13th at 10am at The Chapel. We remember Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem as a part of our regular Sunday morning worship service. We will also have the children as a part of the service waving palm branches.
Maundy Thursday Communion Service – Thursday, April 17th at 6pm at The Chapel. We will have a special service where we will remember Jesus sharing in his final meal with his disciples and we will share in communion together.
Good Friday Service – Friday, April 18th at 6pm at The Chapel. We will remember Jesus’ final few hours as he was betrayed, denied, and led to a cross where he suffered and died. This is a thoughtful, beautiful and difficult service, though without it, there would be no resurrection.
Easter Sunday – We will have three opportunities to celebrate our resurrected King. 6am Sunrise service on the beach in Seaside, 8:30am at The Chapel and 10am at The Chapel. The sunrise service on the beach will be held on the beaches of Seaside accessible through the Coleman Pavilion. This is the iconic pavilion with the white obelisk.
For more information, you can follow us on social media @thechapelatseaside.
John 20:27