Deafening Silence
There has been more sound than most of us prefer lately. I don’t just mean the fireworks last week…or discounted fireworks this week…or music from your neighbors summer party…there is more noise being projected at us from all directions at all times. From frustrations...Where Do We Look?
There are a lot of ways we tend to gauge things for ourselves.
For some of us it’s a number on a scale. For some of us it’s a number in a bank account. For some of us it is the car we drive, the clothes we wear, the computer we use, or the zip code of our house. Most of us use some sort of metric or a key performance indicator to help us assess where we are and how we are doing. The truth is, if our external indicators look good, we appear to have it all together, family looks good, health looks good, social media looks good, yard looks good, we think, we are good.
Pulling Comps
Sermon Date: May 22, 2022 Title: Pulling Comps Scripture: Haggai 2 Open with prayer Big Idea with the advent of the digital age and social media there is so much information about other people available for us to see that it’s easy to beginning comparing our...In The Heat
I woke up recently with full intention to work out.