Unanticipated Adjustments

The weeks leading up to Christmas I had lists of things to get accomplished, presents to buy and wrap, and details to finalize.  As with most things, I found most of the presents I needed to get, I got some that I didn’t anticipate buying, and wrapping and details adjusted because of the slight change.  Funny enough, one of those things was a garlic peeler…have you seen these?  I know, they may be really popular and we just stumbled across them, but they are amazing.  Sarah had seen one on a cooking show and I randomly found one at a kitchen store.  It wasn’t on her list…or really even mine to find, but I ran across this unanticipated kitchen tool, got it for Sarah and she was surprised about this great gift!  Sometimes unanticipated things that require slight changes or adjustments end up being a surprising blessing.

All of us have experienced some change in plans and then needed to make adjustments.  

You received communication a few weeks ago about our window project at The Chapel, and we’ve had a slight change on that.  So, we are making some slight adjustments and we are really excited about those!  Read below to hear about everything that is happening at The Chapel in the next month or so and I hope you will be a part of what we believe God is doing in and through this community.  If you are not around or not local, I hope you will join us online or listen to our podcasts or consider giving to support our ministry here.  No matter, I hope you have had a great Christmas holiday, no matter what unanticipated changes happened, and you have a blessed New Year.  Read on to hear about the great things happening and I hope you will be involved when you can.

As we close out 2024 and begin to turn the corner to 2025, we want to send some important information about things upcoming at The Chapel.

First, we will gather for worship this Sunday, December 29th at 10am.  We will be back to worship our new born King and it will be a great time of worship together.  We will also be led in worship by our new worship leader, Nate Kelly and a guest musician, Gracie Schram.

The Chapel offices will be closed during the week and open for worship on Sunday, December 29th and Sunday, January 5th.

As noted before, we have been in the process to do a massive renovation project to replace the windows at The Chapel in January.  Due to some things outside of our control, the windows will not be delivered in time to begin in January and we want to have as little disruption to our worship, bible studies, prayer, weddings, and anything else in our community as possible.  So, we will do this project later in the year and will update you on the start date when we know more.  We will continue to move forward with the window project, but at a later date.  We will also continue our project for a kids/family outdoor space on the west side as planned.  More details about those projects coming soon.

I wanted to give you some updates about start dates happening this New Year.

On Sunday, January 5th will begin the New Year with sharing Communion at 9am and Worship at 10am.  If you are in town, all are welcome to join us for Communion.  It is a simple 15 minute service to meet with our God, remember Jesus and his sacrifice, and to commune with others in this simple and beautiful sacrament.  Join us as we kick off the new year with communion and worship.  We’ll have coffee and time to connect with others between 9:15-10am.

On Tuesday, January 7th.  We are back with our Tuesday Noon Prayer Hour.  We are excited to begin the New Year with some intentional prayer focus.  Join us that day for the beginning of a prayer season with 21 Days of Prayer.  The 21 Days of Prayer will include gatherings at The Chapel Monday-Friday at noon for 1 hour of prayer as well as some prompts and suggested resources.  We will not gather on Saturdays or Sundays at noon (besides our normal worship at 10am on Sundays).

When we finish our 21 Days of Prayer we will kick off our weekly Bible Studies.

Bible Studies will kick off the last week of January.

Men’s Bible Study in Exodus will start at 8am on Wednesday, January 29th.
Women’s Bible Study in Exodus will start at 9:30am on Wednesday, January 29th.
Young Adult (20’s and 30’s) Bible Study in Exodus will start at 8am on Thursday, January 30th.

We will also begin a Fasting Experiment in February.  Similar to our Sabbath and Prayer, we will do some teachings on Sunday, video curriculum through the week, podcasts, recommended books, and other resources.  More details to come!

As we close the year and a season of giving and generosity, we want to let you know that this year we’ve been able to give approximately 30% of what has been given to the ministry of The Chapel to proclaim good news through word and action by meeting the needs of the hungry, thirsty, stranger, naked, sick, prisoner, widow, and orphan.  Because of you and your generosity, we have been able to care for those who are often overlooked.  And according to scripture, when we do this, we are caring for Jesus and living out the Kingdom of God here and now.
On earth as it is in Heaven.

If you feel so led, I invite you to help The Chapel close out 2024 well with a year-end gift that will continue to help others know the love of our God and King through our words and actions.  Our calling is that we will be people who follow Jesus and are formed to be more like him by abiding in him, being changed by him, and embodying his ways for the glory of God and good of others.
Everyday is an opportunity to become more like Jesus and live out the Kingdom of Heaven.

If you would like to give to support the ministry of The Chapel, you can go to thechapelatseaside.com/give.  You can see our ministry partners, read some frequently asked questions, and also give through our giving platform, Church Center.
If you prefer to mail a check, please mail it to: P.O. Box 4936 Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459

I hope to see you on Sunday for worship or another time in January.  More great things to come at The Chapel.

Like always, if you are out of town, under the weather, or just need to worship from home, you can watch all of our worship services on our live-stream on our website, thechapelatseaside.com,
on our Facebook page, Facebook.com/TheChapelAtSeaside 
and our Vimeo page, Vimeo.com/thechapelatseaside.

Let us know if you have any questions and we look forward to worshiping with you soon.

