It’s funny what we let control us. We think we know what is good for us, but if we aren’t careful, we will give authority over ourselves away.

We buy phones believing they are made to serve us, yet if we aren’t careful, we serve them. We respond to their every need.

We have given the phone authority over us.

We likely give lots of things unearned authority over us.

In the scriptures, the Hebrew people were enslaved in Egypt for 400 years. Moses then led them to freedom and we see this incredible story of liberating God’s people. Then, throughout the Old Testament, there is a constant reminder that they were once slaves in Egypt, that they should remember they were set free.

Do not go back to Egypt. Do not be enslaved.

I think God wants to remind them that in Egypt, Pharaoh had an unearned authority over them. He did not have their best interests in mind, but it is tempting to go back. There was food, work, and everything was known in Egypt.

But we do the same.

We go back to what we know, no matter how destructive it is.

Toxic relationships.
Harmful habits.
Detrimental situations.

We let destructive people and things become authorities in our life.

We go back to Egypt.

Moses once liberated the Hebrew people.

Jesus liberates us, breaking the power of canceled sin. We aren’t held in bondage to sin and shame anymore; but if we aren’t careful, we go back because it is what we know.
We go back to Egypt.

Remember the chains have been broken and we are set free.

Who should we give authority to?

To the one who hung the stars and saved our soul and to those who point us toward Him.
