How Do We Measure?

How Do We Measure?

A few weeks ago, our son Foster was under the weather.  Nothing terrible or wildly concerning.  Just an unusually high temp and small cough.  We did all the tests and everything came back negative.  Most days he would act totally fine, but then get worn down and still have a fever.  Fortunately it was a holiday weekend, so he didn’t miss as much school, but he had still been home, sick for almost a full week.  Rotating fever reducers, giving him electrolyte filled drinks with soups and orange juice.  Every time we’d take his temp, it was constantly bouncing around in the 100’s.  As a parent, you start to wonder…am I doing something wrong?  

Will our life ever get back to a normal rhythm?  

Will we be making soups and orange juice for this kid forever?  

Rhythm of Life

Rhythm of Life

Over the past few weeks we had a house full of family, kids were off school, we had extra worship services with Christmas Eve, and less of our “normal” schedule.  

One of those days I got up early to spend some quiet time praying, reading, working, and writing.  

As soon as I got up, this miracle of a dog named Brittany followed me.  

She followed me as I snuck out of the bedroom.  

She followed me as I prepared coffee.  

She rang the bell and wanted to go out.  

She then barked because she wanted back in.  

She kept wandering to our bedroom door trying to get in to lay down with Sarah.  

She figured out how to open the door, hopped up on the bed and started to wake Sarah up.  I ran in, tried to pull Brittany out, and now I am on dog watch the rest of the morning.  

She kept ringing the bell to go outside.  

She then kept barking to get back inside.  

She then kept trying to get back into our room.  

This was on repeat for quite awhile.  

Another Year Over.

Another Year Over.

I’m not sure what your house is like this week, but mine has been filled with family and desserts and presents and keeping little boys busy.  It’s been a week of rest and celebration.  We’ve taken a deep breath, we’ve done some fun stuff as a family, and we are closing out 2023 being thankful for so many things.  

Another year over and a new one just about to begin.

Christmas is for you

Christmas is for you

Christmas cards are a funny thing.  Our house is full of them.  We love seeing the updated photos of your children, your grandchildren, and your dogs.  We love hearing about what is going on in everyones life, what has happened in the past year, and what you are looking forward to.  For those of us that send out Christmas cards, we all run that risk of trying to position ourselves as if everything is great.  As if we are just slaying it in all areas of life.