Ash Wednesday Service

Tonight is our Ash Wednesday service.  6pm at The Chapel. We will keep the service at 60 minutes or less.  If you are free, I hope you will join us for this kick of the season of Lent.  A season of prayer and fasting, of refinement and reflection, and of journeying with Jesus to the cross.  The service will be similar to a Sunday morning worship service.  Songs, scripture, teaching and we will end with a time receiving ashes on your hand or on your forehead if you so choose.
As we prepare for Easter, we have created a Guide for Lent.  It is simply a devotional that has readings, reflections, and is quite lovely if I may say so myself.  We have hard copies still available at The Chapel that you can pick up or digital copies can be accessed here.

As you may know, Seaside has started their paid parking again for the season.  They have provided parking for The Chapel for our special services.  Attached to this email is the parking pass for the Ash Wednesday service.  Please click here to access the parking pass for tonight, print it out, and display it on your dash.

Finally, if you’d like to learn more about Lent or Ash Wednesday—or if you just enjoy listening to Sarah and me ramble—you should check out our podcast, where we unpack these traditions for those less familiar with them. It’s available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you stream.

For details on all our services, digital Lent guides, a curated Lent playlist, and more resources, visit

Holy Week Services:

  • Palm Sunday: April 13th, 10 AM
  • Maundy Thursday Communion Service: April 17th, 6 PM
  • Good Friday: April 18th, 6 PM
  • Easter Sunrise Service: Seaside Beach, Sunday, April 20th, 6 AM
  • Easter Sunday Services at The Chapel: April 20th, 8:30 AM & 10 AM

As always, if you’re out of town, under the weather, or just need to worship from home, you can watch all our services live on our website (, our Facebook page (, or our Vimeo page (

Let us know if you need anything or have any questions. We hope to see you tonight and along the journey.
