A New Season

As summer starts to wind down and the new season starts to gear up I had this thought…

It seems as though the transition from summer to fall is the most mixed bag of feelings of all the seasons.

In fall to winter, it seems like people are generally excited about holidays and cooler weather.

In winter to spring, it seems like people are generally excited about warmer weather and longer days.

In spring to summer, it seems like people are excited about travel and time off.

But summer to fall seems different.

I was visiting with someone in the beach service industry and they said,

“only 2 weeks left, we got this!”

My kids are saying,

“only 2 weeks left, I hate this!”

And parents across the country are thinking,

“only 2 weeks left, was there something I was supposed to do to prepare for this school year?”

I personally love when summer begins, slower pace, new rhythms, beach and pool time, more travel and no rushing out the door in the morning.  And let’s be honest, by new rhythms, it is the equivalent of a toddler banging a drum.  No consistency, lots of slowing down, and then for no apparent reason chaos out of nowhere.

But by the time August is here, I am ready for actual consistent rhythm and schedules.  I’m ready for normal bed times and structure.

Today I woke up thinking about how I can either dread the start of the new schedule or I can seize it.

I can either kick and scream into the new season or I can embrace it.

I can use this opportunity to go to bed a bit earlier, wake up a bit earlier, and start some new habits that will follow me throughout the rest of the calendar year.

It’s been said, the turn from summer to fall and habits or resolutions committed during this season have a greater chance of sticking more than any other time of the year.  Why?  I really have no idea, but my guess is that there is less pressure than in January and the whole rhythm of life changes…where in January you go back to what you were doing in November and December…with just a few extra lbs.

So, if the autumn equinox and daylight savings and cooler weather and pumpkin spice everything are all still a month or two away, this gives you some time to start practicing the habits that you want to live out now…before fall even officially starts.

There is an old saying that says,

“The best time to plant a tree is 10 years ago.  

The next best time to plant a tree is today.”  

What rhythms, habits, disciplines or practices do you want to have in your life this year?

What do you want to incorporate to make you more like Jesus?

That starts with getting to know who Jesus is, learn about what Jesus did, see how he spent his time and energy, and follow in his ways.  Jesus lived a life with incomprehensible impact.  He is arguably the most impactful person that has ever walked the earth.  So, maybe if we want to live lives of meaning…maybe starting to do more of what Jesus did will be a good step in the right direction.

As Jesus entered difficult times and seasons; when he approached situations where friends had died or where he knew there would be obstacles, we see Jesus cry, we see Jesus mourn and grieve, we see Jesus pray for another way, and we always see him enter in.

It is okay to enter difficult seasons with tears, with mourning or grief, or praying for another way.

My hope is that just like Jesus, we will still enter in believing that God will make much of this.  

Let us enter this new season, adopting some helpful rhythms and habits that reflect the life of Jesus.

Let us enter boldly and confidently knowing that God can and will make much of this season no matter the obstacles ahead.

Let us put into practice now, what we hope will define the trajectory of our life later.

I hope you will join us this Sunday as we continue to enter new seasons.

A few quick announcements and reminders.

  • This Sunday, August 6th we will share in communion at 9am before our regular service.  It is a simple and brief service that lasts about 15 minutes.  Afterwards, most people stay and visit before worship starts at 10am.
  • At the 10am worship service this Sunday, we will pray for our kids heading back to school.  It will happen right at the top of the service and then they will head over to kids church.  For more info regarding kids church contact [email protected].
  • This Sunday as well in the afternoon we are having a special event called The Proverbs Project.  The authors of this family devotional will be sharing a bit about their book.  Come hear from the authors, get some ideas to connect with your child or grandchild, and grab your copy of The Proverbs Project. 4pm at The Chapel.
  • We will have a HomeGroup Huddle (Lunch and Launch) after church on Sunday, August 13th. We will be casting vision, talking about purpose and letting y’all know what is ahead. If you are in a HomeGroup already or want to join one, please make this a priority.  Please register so we can provide adequate food. https://thechapelatseaside.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1799938
  • There is the annual Stock the Pantry Event with our friends at Food For Thought on Thursday, August 24th.
  • If you haven’t been around lately and want to catch up on previous sermons, check out our podcast archives on our website, https://thechapelatseaside.com/podcast/ on apple or wherever you stream podcasts.
  • As well there are several other great events to look forward to; a night of worship with Daniel and friends from The Pour, a Chapel Beach Bonfire, and more.

We cannot wait to see you Sunday.  Let us know if you have any questions.

