A Conversation Followup

In our family, we are a bunch of outgoing gregarious extroverts.  We will talk to just about anyone anywhere.  Recently we were in Washington, D.C. waiting to go on a tour of The White House and my son, Foster, noticing the very serious Secret Service member who was built like an Irish Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and looked about as warm and cuddly as a an avalanche, was struggling with the identification scanner and corresponding computer.  Foster noticed that this guy who was built and outfitted for the field and yet here he was hunched over a tablet corralling lines of people and trying to get them checked in for their tour.

He was not loving it.

With this security guard deep in IT frustration, Foster says, “excuse me Mr. Secret Service, sir.”

In which Sarah and I immediately tapped the brakes and told Foster to wait…“Mr. Secret Service is very busy”…and I didn’t want to lose my place in line…

And then he responded to Foster.

“What’s up man?”

Foster asks, “when you signed up for the Secret Service did you think you’d be scanning Id’s for a living?”

I froze for a second.  This is it.  We are definitely getting kicked out of line…

Dwayne responded.  “No. I hate this.  I’m hardly ever here and clearly, I have no idea what I’m doing.  I’m usually doing security details.”

We responded with.  “We’ll you’re doing a great job.”

The Irish Rock smiled back.  “Thanks.  Enjoy your tour.”

The quietest member in our family noticed this guy was not having a great time and decided he would initiate a conversation.  That conversation opened this guy up to laugh and smile…and also tell total strangers he hates his assignment right now.

I wonder if one of the problems in our faith is we don’t even initiate a conversation with God.  We don’t want to bother or interrupt or we’re afraid God will get annoyed or kick us out of line…so we don’t even try.

If you were with us at worship this morning at The Chapel we are beginning a 4 week series looking at Prayer.  A Prayer Journey where we will talk about 4 different movements of prayer.  Today we simply began by talking about what it means to start a conversation with God.

You can’t expect to have any meaningful relationship if you don’t talk…and we were created to talk to God.  It is woven in the fabric of our being…so to not talk to God is awkward and antithetical to who we are called and created to be.

The ancient Hebrews believed that the name of God was an unpronounceable name that was to emulate our breath in and out.  Thus every breath, whether we realize it was saying the name of God.

Our very breath is meant to cry out to God…and yet we often times never talk to God beyond that.

What if we could intentionally and simply begin a conversation with God this week?What if we spent a few minutes in the morning or evening and began a prayer knowing we were’t going to frustrate or annoy, but we are actually doing what God created us to do?

Simply begin by saying, “God” or “Jesus” or “Father” and then share what you are thinking about.  Your hopes and dreams, your gratitude and thankfulness, your fears and frustrations, and whatever else.

That is prayer.  And just like first conversations with people can sometimes feel awkward or clunky or you are worried you are going to say the wrong thing, prayer may feel like that too…no worries, keep praying…and you can’t say the wrong thing…have you read the Psalms?  Those things are crazy…

There is no way to have a meaningful relationship if you don’t have a conversation…and there is a good God who is ready to hear from you.

So let’s begin a journey of prayer.

if you missed the sermon this morning, “A Conversation” you can access the podcast on our website or anywhere you stream podcasts.

If you want to follow along in our prayer journey there are a few great ways to do that.

We have great resources to help you in this journey from our friends at Practicing The Way.  Some teachings, podcast conversations, prayer guides and more.  If you would like to access these resources, we need to add you to our Prayer Groups.  Our HomeGroups are all doing it, but if you aren’t in a HomeGroup and you want access, just let us know.

In order to join the group to get the resources and additional teachings, you can text 816-810-5534 or email Sarah Beard at [email protected]. Just text or email.

“Please add (state your first and last name) to the Prayer Group. My email is (leave your email).”

Throughout the next two months on Thursdays from noon to 1:00 The Chapel will be open for prayer.  We are partnering with 30A Prays for this guided and intentional time of prayer.  It is a very simple and quiet time of prompts for prayer and no one is required to say anything out loud.  Come and go as you can or need to.

We have some recommended reading if you are interested.

Several of these books you can get at Sundog Books in Seaside or of course you can order online.

Beholding: Deepening Our Experience In God by Strahan Coleman.

Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools by Tyler Staton.

Lead With Prayer by Ryan Skoog, Peter Greer, Cameron Doolittle.

For more info on our Prayer Journey, go to thechapelatseaside.com/prayer/

We look forward to seeing you soon and let us know if you need anything.

