We Can Do Hard Things

A few years ago we went to Italy and my kids, who already loved pasta, became even more infatuated with it.  Most of us eat the store bought kind…but once you have real, homemade fresh pasta…it’s really hard to go back.  So a few months back, they wanted to make some homemade pasta.  We didn’t have a proper roller, but we made it work anyway.  Then for Christmas we got a pasta maker and my kids have been working on creating unbelievable homemade pasta.

Making homemade pasta isn’t incredibly hard, it just takes a bit of time and effort.

I once was congratulating a friend for getting their PHD and they said all it is, is having Patience, Humility, and Discipline.

I’m sure it’s more than that…and I don’t think that’s what PHD stands for, but I haven’t looked into it.

Most things that take some work, take some time, take some patience, take some humility, and take some discipline are often worth it in the end…but the truth is…most people quit before they finish.

This is why we are a fast food, microwave, delivery service, insta world.  We want what we want and we want it now.

This does not do great things for our souls.

Slowing life down, taking the longer route isn’t always right…but it isn’t always wrong either.

And the shortcut, can be beneficial sometimes, but that doesn’t mean it is best or right.


This leads me to two things.  Fasting and Parking.


First, fasting.


We’ve been in a fasting experiment at The Chapel.  We are looking at how this ancient practice that is lived out throughout the scriptures is also relevant for us today.

We’ve looked at how this is available to anyone who feels like they can try.  If you have some sort of medical or emotional or physical struggle that would keep you from trying fasting, no worries.  Try as you feel comfortable.  But for most of us, it’s an opportunity to stand before God and fully rely on the provisions of God.  It does something to us, when we take the steps to try.

I shared yesterday that Dallas Willard once wrote,
“The path of spiritual growth in the riches of Christ is not a passive one. Grace is not opposed to effort. It is opposed to earning. Effort is action. Earning is attitude. You have never seen people more active than those who have been set on fire by the grace of God.”


So if we are going to follow in the footsteps of Jesus to become more like him, to try his ways and see how it changes us and the world around us…we may need to put in a bit of effort and step outside our comfort zone.  To be a disciple of Jesus means we hangup our ways and take on his.  Which may actually be hard…not because his ways are hard, but because they push against the ways we often default to.


I’ve heard it said,
“The cost of discipleship is everything. The benefits of discipleship are everything else”


To hear more about fasting or to check out the resources from our friends at Practicing The Way, just go to thechapelatseaside.com/fasting.

Our hope is that, even though we know it is hard…something incredible can come from it if you try.


Second, parking.


This Sunday is Race Day in Seaside.  We also will still have worship at 10am at The Chapel.  It is the most casual Sunday of the year around here.  No matter if you are running in the race, walking in the race, or had no idea it was even happening, I hope you will consider joining us for worship this Sunday.  With that being said, here are some details you need to know.


30A between 395 and 393 will be closed beginning at 5:30am through 10:00am on Sunday morning.  So, if you normally drive into Seaside for Worship, you will need to either walk, ride a bike, park at a friend’s house in a nearby neighborhood or take the shuttle.

Complimentary parking and shuttle services are available from Emerald Coast Middle School (ECMS) at 4019 US-98 #6024, Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459 on Sunday morning.

Two shuttles will run on a continuous loop between ECMS and SEASIDE® from 4:45am to 3:30pm.

The last pick up from SEASIDE® will be at the corner of Quincy and 30A at 3:30pm.

For more info go to



After worship, there will still be fun things happening around town.  So come early, cheer people on, enjoy the fun, go to worship, and enjoy our wonderful community.  It will be a great time!


Now, for some of you, that will simply just be too much to go through to get to worship this Sunday.  I get it.  No worries.  Find some friends or people in your neighborhood or stage or season of life and get together and watch worship with them.

We will not have any of our kids church or middle school gathering this Sunday.

You can watch online at facebook.com/thechapelatseaside or thechapelatseaside.com.


Hard things often times lead to growth.  If you can try fasting, even if it’s hard, I hope you do.  I think you will find that you experience growth in your faith when you try hard things.

If you decide to join us for worship on Sunday, it won’t necessarily be the easiest thing to do this Sunday, but it will be fun, and I think you will grow from worshiping with us…even if that is worshiping online with some friends with coffee in hand.

Also…isn’t everyone looking for a reason to wear ath-leisure wear?


Lots of other great things happening at The Chapel.  Read on and I hope you will join us.

Tuesday Noon Prayer Hour is up and going.  From noon to 1pm, join us and our friends at 30A Prays at The Chapel for an hour of guided prayer.  Come and go as you need.

Bible Studies are up and going.
Men’s Bible Study in Exodus is at 8am on Wednesdays.
Women’s Bible Study in Exodus is at 9:30am on Wednesdays.
Young Adult (20’s and 30’s) Bible Study in Exodus is at 8am on Thursdays.

All three groups are synced up in content, so our Bible Study Podcast, Chapel Study Notes will work with all three groups.  Listen to it wherever you stream podcasts or on Spotify or Apple.

Mission Sunday.  On Sunday, March 2nd we will highlight our mission and outreach partners at The Chapel.  We will also share in communion at 9am and have our friends from Panama City Coffee providing coffee that morning.  Join us for this great Sunday as we both remember Jesus and him laying down his life for us and the calling we all have to lay down our lives for one another…and do it while enjoying some craft coffee.

Ash Wednesday.  The Season of Lent, the 40 days leading up to Easter, kicks off on Wednesday, March 5th at 6pm.  Join us for this beautiful and simple service that reminds us that from dust we came and dust we shall return.  Our hope is to believe in the good news of Jesus.  We will also have a Lenten Guide for you to help prepare your heart and mind as we journey to Easter morning.

Night of Worship-Hymn Sing.  On Sunday, March 9th, at 6:00 PM, we invite you to A Night of Hymns at The Chapel at Seaside. Come share in the rich heritage of God’s people from every generation, singing the
great hymns of the faith.

The Tower.  If you haven’t checked out the latest copy of The Tower, check it out here.

Like always, if you are out of town, under the weather, or just need to worship from home, you can watch all of our worship services on our live-stream on our website, thechapelatseaside.com,
on our Facebook page, Facebook.com/TheChapelAtSeaside 
and our Vimeo page, Vimeo.com/thechapelatseaside.

Let us know if you need anything or have any questions.  I look forward to seeing you sometime this week.

