Join us Sundays at 10:00 am / 582 Forest St, Seaside FL. 32459 / Map / 850.633.3392

Fasting and Feasting

Several years ago Sarah, the boys and I went on a quick trip from Dallas, TX to Springfield, Missouri to meet with other churches, campus ministries, and college pastors.  It was just a few days over my kids spring break and then back to work.

That quick trip turned into 5 weeks in Missouri.

Most of the world pressed pause in March of 2020 so we ended up going to Sarah’s parents house until we needed to return back to Dallas.

We had no idea or plan to stay in Missouri for so long.

We had 3 pairs of clothes.

And yet during those 5 weeks, it snowed and my kids went sledding, it got into the upper 70’s and Sarah’s parents opened their pool and my kids went swimming.

It turns out all we needed was those 3 pairs of clothes.

We made it work.

All those other things we thought we needed were not actually essential.

And because of this unique situation we were forced to realize that truth.  Most of what we think we need are not actually essential.

Yesterday we continued in the Sermon on the Mount.  A week ago we wrapped up the Lord’s Prayer and I encouraged everyone to pray it 3 times a day.  Hopefully someone besides me did it…and also, hopefully you noticed some things about that prayer, about your life, about how we are called to live, and about how God has provided for you.

Yesterday we got to where Jesus talks about fasting and where we store up our treasures.  These two teachings are usually not taught together.  The idea behind fasting here is that we don’t do it for show or for other people.  We do it as a practice to turn to and trust in God.

Focusing on where we store our treasures is a call to see that things of this life will fade away, they will be destroyed and fall apart.

I love food and treasures…I realize that makes me sound like a hungry pirate…but when I fast from food and when I continually reflect on where I am finding value, where I’m stockpiling things (including food), and then I go through seasons of simplicity or abstaining, I realize I don’t need most of the stuff I think I need.

It turns out, if you don’t need “stuff” like everyone else thinks they do, you actually will stand out, you will be noticed, because you are functioning differently than everyone else.

I hope that as people who call The Chapel home, we will live simple lives.

We will find our identity in Jesus and realize everything else is extravagant and often unnecessary.

Right now we are in full on Summer break around our house.  Kids staying up late, house full of neighborhood kids bored wanting me to take them places, lots of eating junk food, bingeing shows and movies, playing video games, fishing all the time, and on and on.  I’m guy who is always telling them “no”…I’m essentially running a summer camp where I’m the grumpy counselor…

We let our kids have a bit more freedom and flexibility in the summer time…but we know and hopefully our kids know, this isn’t the way it is all the time.  This life, is a blessing and a privilege.  And when we have fun summer days and then structured school days, our kids realize what a beautiful life they have.

Perhaps our times of fasting and feasting help us to recognize what truly matters.  Basil the Great, an early church leader (and pretty awesome name) writes,

“When we think about all that the Lord has ordained, we should not let ourselves respond beyond the boundaries of moderation. We will never have a calm and storm-free life. Cast off, therefore, the burdens of the flesh and take on the joy of the soul directing our spirit to the hope of eternal good.”

When we fast and when we feast it strengthens our self-control and helps us to realize the extravagant life we have.  It tunes our heart and mind to God, to have a sense of clarity and confidence reminding us to keep everything in its right place, in its time.

The funny thing is…feasting in the early church, was sharing in communion together.

An extravagant life was one with shelter, more than two pairs of clothes, and more than enough food.

To store up treasures in heaven, is realizing that we are called to invest in eternity now, because eternity is here.

NT Wright says,

“As with other references to heaven and earth, we shouldn’t imagine Jesus means, “don’t worry about this life, get ready for the next one”.  Heaven here, is where God is right now, and if you learn to love and serve God right now, you will have treasure in the present, not just in the future.”

So I encouraged everyone to try to fast or try to abstain from something you think is vital for you.  If you want to know you are not alone in this journey, Sarah and I fast on Tuesdays from when we wake up, through the noon prayer hour.  Maybe fasting from food is too hard for you right now.  That is fine, try giving up something, creamer in your coffee, having the 24 hour news on, checking into your social media, or whatever else you default to when you are bored or to bring you some sense of peace or comfort…the truth is, most of those things do absolutely nothing to bring peace or comfort.  They bring fear, anxiety, comparison, or artificial flavoring.

No matter if you fast from food or try abstaining from something…whether it is just a few hours or for a longer stretch, take that time to remind yourself through prayer, through scripture reading, through silence, and reflection, that God is the great provider.  God gives you what you need.  God is enough…and 3 pairs of clothes and daily bread is really just bonus.

Tomorrow, we will meet for Prayer at noon at The Chapel.  It is a really simple prayer time.  Also, if you want to try fasting, join us tomorrow.  Simply enjoy water or coffee and/or tea with no creamer or sugar from when you wake up until after the noon prayer time.

Bible Studies are also up and going.

Our Bible Study Event, co-ed study meets Wednesday and we are in the book of James.  It is led by me and Sarah together.  I hope you can join us for this at 9am.

Young Adult Bible Study meets on Thursdays at 8am at The Chapel.  We’ll be in Exodus.

Both of these studies will take a break for 4th of July, then meet for two weeks again in July.

We’ll also share in communion on Sunday, July 7th at 9am before worship.

I look forward to being with you tomorrow or Thursday and/or Sunday.  Let us know if you need anything.

